Gaining Feedback and Addressing Concerns in Your New Job

12 Oct Gaining Feedback and Addressing Concerns in Your New Job

Navigating Your Third Month at a New Job:

Gaining Feedback and Addressing Concerns


Starting a new job is an exciting and often nerve-wracking experience. By the time you reach your third month, you’ve likely settled into your role, become familiar with your coworkers, and have a better understanding of the company culture. This is a crucial time as you transition from being the “new person” to becoming a valued member of the team. In this blog, we’ll explore what to expect during your third month and how to effectively gain feedback from management while addressing any concerns you may have.


What to Expect in Your Third Month

By the third month of your new job, you’ve likely overcome the initial learning curve and have started to establish a routine. Here’s what you can generally expect:


Increased Comfort: You’re no longer feeling like a complete outsider. You’re familiar with your tasks, responsibilities, and the expectations of your role.


Building Relationships: By now, you’ve hopefully formed connections with your coworkers. You might find yourself engaging in more casual conversations and understanding the dynamics of your team better.


Growing Confidence: As you become more skilled and knowledgeable, your confidence will naturally increase. You’ll find yourself making decisions more independently.


Understanding Company Culture: You’ve had some time to observe and adapt to the company’s culture, which should help you feel more aligned with its values and ways of working.


Identifying Challenges: By this point, you may have encountered some challenges. These could be related to your role, interactions, or processes within the company.


Gaining Feedback from Management

Feedback is an essential tool for growth and improvement. Here’s how you can effectively seek feedback from your management:

Initiate Regular Check-ins: Schedule regular one-on-one meetings with your immediate supervisor. This could be weekly or bi-weekly, depending on your company’s culture. Use these meetings to discuss your progress, ask for feedback, and clarify any doubts.


Ask Specific Questions: Instead of asking, “How am I doing?” try asking more specific questions like, “Is there anything I could have handled differently in the recent project?” This shows your willingness to improve and allows for targeted feedback.


Request Constructive Criticism: Let your manager know that you value constructive criticism and that you are open to suggestions for growth. This demonstrates your commitment to self-improvement.


Share Your Goals: During feedback sessions, communicate your professional goals and ask for guidance on how to achieve them within the company. This not only shows initiative but also indicates your long-term commitment.


Addressing Concerns

It’s natural to have concerns during the early stages of a new job. Here’s how to address them effectively:


Identify the Concern: Pinpoint exactly what is bothering you. Is it a specific task, a coworker issue, or a broader company policy?


Gather Information: Before raising concerns, gather all relevant information. Understand the context and any possible solutions you can suggest.


Choose the Right Time and Place: If you want to discuss a concern with your manager, choose an appropriate time, preferably during a one-on-one meeting. Avoid bringing up concerns in a public or high-stress setting.


Be Constructive: Frame your concerns in a constructive manner. Instead of simply stating the problem, offer potential solutions or ask for advice on how to handle the situation.


Stay Professional: Keep the conversation professional and focused on the issue at hand. Avoid making it personal or emotional.


Be Open to Solutions: Remember that your manager or supervisor might have insights that can help address your concerns effectively. Stay open to their suggestions.


Final Thoughts

The third month of a new job marks a significant milestone in your journey. By this time, you’ve likely settled into your role and are better positioned to understand your strengths, areas for growth and any concerns you might have. Use this time to actively seek feedback from your management, demonstrating your dedication to personal and professional development. Moreover, addressing concerns in a thoughtful and professional manner showcases your problem-solving skills and commitment to contributing positively to the team and the organization as a whole. Embrace this period of growth and learning, and remember that each step forward brings you closer to becoming a valuable and integral part of your new workplace.
