kirsten glen Tag

The Importance of Communicating with your Recruiter

The Importance of Communicating with your Recruiter   As Recruiters, we acknowledge the importance of communicating with job seekers, and always strive to give them as much feedback as we can.  But I think that the other end of the spectrum is...

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Virtual Job Interviews: Why the Details Matter

Virtual Job Interviews: Why the Details Matter   Four years ago, we never dreamed that virtual interviews would become part of the new norm! While the opportunity to have virtual interviews brings about convenience and flexibility, it also poses unique challenges, one...

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Applying for Jobs Without Compromising Credibility

Applying for Jobs Without Compromising Credibility Striking the right balance between being discerning and proactive, in which jobs your apply for, is crucial. However, many job seekers battle with the dilemma of whether to apply for every job advert, regardless of...

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Constructive Feedback vs. Badmouthing Previous Employers

Constructive Feedback vs. Badmouthing Previous Employers When I interview job seekers who has leaving employers that they have not been happy working for, they generally fall into two categories- the first who tend to say too much and bad mouth their...

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Strategies for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome After Being Retrenched Losing a job can be a devastating experience, shaking the very foundation of one's identity and self-worth. Amidst the challenges of coping with unemployment, individuals often grapple with feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, a phenomenon...

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