12 Jul How to use Job Portals to find a Job
Thirteen years ago when I started RESOURCE recruitment, I advertised every Sunday in the Sunday Newspaper, and the phones rang off the hook with people applying for jobs on a Monday morning. Today, I cannot remember the last time that I placed a job advert in print media.
Now Mondays are about dealing with hundreds of email applications in our inboxes.
With recruitment trends taking such a rapid new course in recent years to e-recruitment and networking, I thought that I would share some information on Job Portals, how they work and a few tips on how to make them work for you!
What is a JOB PORTAL?
Simply put, a Job Portal is a website that job seekers can post their details (CV), and recruiters can post their vacancies and search for potential employees. There are literally hundreds of job portals out there- some free and some charge employers to access the candidate pool. As a Job Seeker you register your details on a Job Portal, and in most (but not all) only employment agencies that subscribe to the service can access your personal details, thus protecting you from your current employer finding your details on line.
Growth in online recruitment activities in 2015
In 2015 there was a 25% growth in the number of jobs being posted on line, and one service provider reported more than 600 000 new CV’s being posted to their site last year. 50% of the Job Seekers on these portals are reported to be between 26-35 years of age, and 20% between 18-25 years.
The five sectors that are highest in demand on the portals are reported to be Finance/ Account, followed by IT, Sales, Engineering and Administration. There was a growth of over 33% in management positions being posted on websites in 2015.
Like all things on the Internet and related to Social Media, it is important that you keep your profile active and up to date. As discussed in last month’s newsletter, if you are going to do anything, do it 100%, so with this in mind:- set a goal to check your On Line Profile once a month to make sure that it is up to date. I have also had job seekers complain that some of the portals take a long time to upload their details. If this is the case, then use this monthly check as an opportunity to complete your profile as comprehensively as possible.
Here are five tips to help you get the most out of Job Portals:-
- Input as much information as possible.
Creating a profile is no different from creating a CV. If the experience is not on your CV or profile, you never did it! With portals, this is even more significant. When a researched looks for a potential candidate for a position, they put in key words. The Portal then searches the data base of profiles and CV’s and comes back with the most suitable applicants. If I am looking for an Executive Secretary that has worked on SAP, arranged events and done minute taking and Dictaphone typing, I am going to search the following words, “SAP, Events, Minute Taking, Dictaphone Typing” and those people that have all these words in their application will come up as a 100% match. If your application is incomplete, even though you are a perfect candidate, you will not come up in my search.
- Update your skills
Keep your profile up to date. Have you changed jobs, moved hour/ areas, taken on more responsibilities? You may be missing opportunities for these reasons. Also, each time you update your profile, recruiters can see, and this tells them that you are an active job seeker. Some portals offer recruiters the option that they only see candidates that have been active (created or updated their profiles) in the last six months.
- Keep it brief and to the point
As much as I want you to put as much detail as possible, remember to keep to the point, list information in point form and avoid subjective phrases like:- “I work well within a team”; “I’m motivated”; “I have a proven track record”; “I’m a fantastic communicator”; “I thrive in fast-paced environments”. This is to discuss in the interview- it won’t get you the interview.
- Attach a copy of your updated CV
One thing that I have never been able to understand in all my years in recruitment, is why do Job Seekers go to so much effort to apply for jobs…. And then use an astonishingly unprofessional CV that has been scanned through a fax machine (or are low resolution photos from a cell phone that you cannot read on a PC), with scribbled notes on it, a coffee mug stain in the corner and looks like it was kept in the bottom of someone handbag? If you are guilty of this, I cannot stress how important it is to take a few minutes to retype your CV and save it as a PDF document. It will be the most important thing you do in this process. When I look at a CV, I assume that it is an indication of the applicants pride in, and quality of work, that they would produce if I employed them.
- Keep your personal information consistent with other websites
Use the same name for your Job Portal Profile that you’ve used on your LinkedIn, Twitter and any other social media platforms that you are using in your job seeking efforts. Remember to include contact details, but not personal details.
We would love to hear from you, and share with other job seekers which Job Portals you think are the best- those that are the easiest to use and have the most vacancies. Email us or post on our Facebook Group to share with other job seekers. (https://www.facebook.com/groups/493969644105386/?ref=bookmarks)