The Path of Least Resistance
Energy moves down the path of least resistance, be it water in a river or electricity through a circuit. Your life is the same way - it moves down the path of least resistance. Recruiters also take the path of...
Energy moves down the path of least resistance, be it water in a river or electricity through a circuit. Your life is the same way - it moves down the path of least resistance. Recruiters also take the path of...
“Most people learn how to do their jobs in the first year, and then they never get any better. They just coast in their jobs. But the only direction you can coast is downhill. . The average person does only an average...
Before you are employed- possibly before you are even interviewed- your future employer is going to stalk you on the internet. I know this, because it’s the first thing that I would do, and most of my clients do as...
It’s sad, but true. Tertiary education is a business like any other. They must sell you on studying qualifications through them, with the promise of amazing careers, dream jobs and huge salaries. The truth is, that a lot of the...
Every recruiter’s pet peeve- when a girlfriend, boyfriend, best friend, wife; or in this case- parent, phones on behalf of their child to find out about jobs. When you are starting your career, there is not a lot on your CV...
Gone are the days of looking for a job in the local newspapers. Today you look for employment opportunities digitally. And the number one place is on Job Portals. A job portal, also known as a career portal or employment...
It does not matter if you are starting out, changing careers, starting a business, or having to “pivot” your business, we all need to channel our beginner’s pluck, and reading Beginner’s Pluck by Liz Bohannon was just what I needed...
Looking for a job is like climbing a Jungle Gym, not a rickety, old ladder. Years ago, you finished school, hopefully got a tertiary education and got a job. Either the job was because of your qualification, or it was because...
Are you in the situation where you need to get your CV together and start applying for jobs, but you don’t know where to start and are procrastinating and doing everything else? Are you worried that the people in your...
It’s a stressful time for everyone. This situation that we find ourselves in is completely unprecedented, and the unknown the future holds just amplified that stress. It is so hard to not completely panic and be crippled by anxiety, but...