
Common mistakes people make when looking for a job.

Common mistakes that people make when looking for a job: Apply for positions on the dates requested, and as soon as possible.  Applying for positions after hours, or a week after the advert was placed will seldom yield good results. Phone yourself. ...

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Reference checks

In terms of the law, when an employee starts work with you, you have to give them their terms of employment, written down.   The Written Particulars of Employment should contain:- The full name and address of the employer Name of employee The employee’s job...

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Email Etiquette

NETTIQUETTE (or email etiquette to others!) Haaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooo Darling, sweetie, hun, love (well im just checking if you’ll got my cv that I sent to you’ll) .  This news letter is all about email etiquette, “Netiquette” and I have started the email off...

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Reference checks

There is no doubt that making the right employment decisions is essential to all businesses success.  Not only are salaries and wages the biggest expense most businesses have today, but you place a great deal of trust in your staff. ...

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There is no doubt that at this stage in the year, and this point in our international economy, jobs are a little harder to come by and there are more people out there completing for the job you have your...

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Basic Conditions of Employment Act

Basic Conditions of Employment Act is the most basic, lowest conditions of employment that you can offer an employee.  You may offer them more, or better, than the basic condition, but not less.  If you do not give an employee...

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Back to basics

Take a step back, and look at your CV’s, your interview style and your job applications as if you were looking at yourself through the eyes of the company recruiting you. Here are a few things to consider:- Is the CV that...

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Withdrawing offers

Recently I received a very interesting article from the CCMA titled “Withdrawal of Offers of Employment- Does this constitute dismissal?”.  It was a very interesting, detailed article, so I thought that I would summarize a few key points for you. ...

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Rights of a job seeker

Who can look for a job? Anyone can look for a job.  No one is bound to stay with a company.  Recently I met a lady who was very anxious because she handed in her resignation and her employer said she...

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Pregnancy in the Workplace

“Pregnancy in the Workplace” and your rights and responsibilities with regards to employees that may fall pregnant and need to go off on maternity leave.    PREGNANCY AND YOUR RIGHTS IN THE WORKPLACE LEGAL FACTS The constitution protects a person’s right to make decisions...

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