
How to love your job.

Studies show that out of every 5 people, 1 loves their job, 1 dislikes it and 3 are neutral.  This is unfortunate as we spend more waking hours at work, then not.  Loving your job can be hard, especially if...

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Don’t Make New Years Resolutions- rather try this!

This New Years Eve, don’t make empty resolutions, rather do something that will make 2017 an exceptional year!   Every January we get an influx of job seekers looking for “New Year’s Resolution” jobs or career changes.  While we are thrilled to have...

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How to come across positive in interviews

I know that it sounds cliché’d, but “Shew!  This year is flying!”  This weekend I noticed all the Christmas Decorations coming out in the shops, and there are only six weeks until the schools break up for the year.  I...

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Profile Pictures on CV’s

The latest trend in recruitment seems to be putting a photo of yourself on your CV.  The majority of the population hate having their photos taken, are naturally critical of themselves, and generally object to this.  I have to admit,...

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How to use Job Portals to find a Job

  Thirteen years ago when I started RESOURCE recruitment, I advertised every Sunday in the Sunday Newspaper, and the phones rang off the hook with people applying for jobs on a Monday morning.  Today, I cannot remember the last time that...

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Employ Youth and Save

This June we celebrate Youth Day on the 16th, so this is an ideal time to employ some young, energetic graduates and school leavers Did you know that you can claim back monthly against your PAYE submissions for new staff members...

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5 Reasons you are not getting Interviews

The biggest complaint that we receive from Job Seekers is “I keep sending my CV and I never get short listed!”  Some job seekers keep quiet about their frustration, never email us, or ask for feedback.  For those proactive and...

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Ten ways to have a better interview

1 Don’t multitask.Switch your cell phone off (not onto vibrate, and leave your family and friends at home..Be present!Focus you attention on the person you are talking to and don’t be distracted. 2 Don’t be opinionated.Go into every interview believing that you have...

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Public Holiday Pay

 A challenge to any business when you are trying to keep productivity up, staff motivated and focused and expenses down. It is important to know what you legally are obliged to pay staff- so that you are not paying too much...

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