How to avoid an employment scam
It was recently brought to our attention that one of our candidates had been victim to one of the latest recruitment scams. In light of this we wanted to inform you of the ways to recognise these scams and how...
It was recently brought to our attention that one of our candidates had been victim to one of the latest recruitment scams. In light of this we wanted to inform you of the ways to recognise these scams and how...
Although not always a comfortable experience, being nervous can be a good thing and if used correctly – even productive. Nervousness, unlike anxiety (which is something very different), is a common emotion that occurs very naturally in the body when...
In August 2019 an Amendment to the National Qualifications Framework Act was gazetted, which will have a direct impact on job seekers and employers. Among other things, the act makes direct mention of job applicants and employees misrepresenting themselves on...
Looking for a job can be overwhelming, especially when you have been forced into the job market. There are so many things that you can do, yet it seems impossible to get started. When you are trying to accomplish any goal,...
The National Minimum Wage Act As of January 2019, the first ever National Minimum Wage Act came into effect, and while most employers have embraced this initiative, we thought that we would give you a summary to re-cap. What is the rate? The...
Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood The Fifth Habit of Highly Effective Job Seekers is to stop and listen. When you finally get that invitation to attend an interview, there is a lot at stake. Nerves start kicking in and...
In life- what you give, you get. When you start looking for a job, focused only on what you are going to gain, things are guaranteed not to go well in the end. Habit Four from “The Seven Habits of...
“Now I think it’s one of the most unless questions an adult can ask a child-What do you want to become when you grow up? As if growing up is finite. As if at some point you become something and that’s the end.” Michelle Obama, Becoming I interview 18-25 years olds all the time, and few know where they fit in this world. Many feel ashamed and are apologetic when they cannot tell us what job they want. For their whole schooling they have...
What will your CV look like when printed in black and white? Will it still be eye catching and easy to read? Few companies will go to the cost of printing it in colour when reviewing it. If you...
Smile. On the phone, when typing your emails, and when you arrive at the interview. People like happy people. If you are phoning to book an interview or ask for an email address, have a pen and paper handy...