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Let’s Chat

The world is changing and so is the way we do business.  2020 has seen businesses globally, from big to small, being given the “virtual shove” into changing the way that they do things- working remotely and communicating electronically.   Since the...

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CV Fraud Punishable by Law

In August 2019 an Amendment to the National Qualifications Framework Act was gazetted, which will have a direct impact on job seekers and employers.  Among other things, the act makes direct mention of job applicants and employees misrepresenting themselves on...

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The National Minimum Wage Act

  The National Minimum Wage Act As of January 2019, the first ever National Minimum Wage Act came into effect, and while most employers have embraced this initiative, we thought that we would give you a summary to re-cap.   What is the rate? The...

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What do you want to Become?

“Now I think it’s one of the most unless questions an adult can ask a child-What do you want to become when you grow up? As if growing up is finite. As if at some point you  become something and that’s the end.” Michelle Obama, Becoming   I interview 18-25 years olds all the time, and few know where they fit in this world.  Many feel ashamed and are apologetic when they cannot tell us what job they want.  For their whole schooling they have...

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Rules to Remember when Looking for a Job

  Smile.  On the phone, when typing your emails, and when you arrive at the interview.  People like happy people. If you are phoning to book an interview or ask for an email address, have a pen and paper handy...

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Keeping up with the Recruitment Times

The Job Market has changed almost as much as the media has, in the last twenty years.  Twenty years ago (if you were looking for a job then, or your parents who are helping you look for a job today,...

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What to do when you start a New Job

Congratulations!  You landed your dream job.  But now the scary part begins.  In South Africa, people normally start a new job on a probation period or contract basis, so the first three months of a new job should be seen...

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How to love your job.

Studies show that out of every 5 people, 1 loves their job, 1 dislikes it and 3 are neutral.  This is unfortunate as we spend more waking hours at work, then not.  Loving your job can be hard, especially if...

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Don’t Make New Years Resolutions- rather try this!

This New Years Eve, don’t make empty resolutions, rather do something that will make 2017 an exceptional year!   Every January we get an influx of job seekers looking for “New Year’s Resolution” jobs or career changes.  While we are thrilled to have...

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